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  • Writer's picturejrosseth

Fast Links for Covid-19 Communication Tools

RESOURCE: Covid-19 Communication Resources

As of 3/16/20, many companies are posting communication in regards to extra cleaning protocols, staffing protocols, maintenance procedures regarding in-home requests, leasing tours, and vendor expectations.

In an effort to provide efficient access to valuable resources, I'm compiling links below that I have found most helpful.

Below are several resources & samples in case you are evaluating and modifying protocols of your own.

RESOURCES: - so many conversations happening here regarding office closures, laundry room protocols,amenity closures, rent protection, eviction/UD courts closing, leasing tours, corporate communications, employee concerns… you name it, it’s being discussed. - Questions and Answers for Office of Multifamily Housing Stakeholders - possible rent relief resource for residents struggling to pay rent due to lost income

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